I'm 17 flight hours, just did my first solo and feel very disappointed. I did three take offs and landings. The first two were "full stop taxi back" then full stop for the third of course. My first landing was great, on the glide speed, on the glide slope, nice smooth flare and soft no bounce touch down. The last two were not pretty. Glide were good but I bounced twice on touch down. I tried to exit via the nearest taxi way so I applied brakes. The aircraft skied and I thought it was going to flip. I barely got in to the taxi way and almost plow in to the grass beside. The third one was okay, but I bounced three times on touch down. Its really annoying. I felt like I made my instructor look bad since he was watching me along with other instructors and other pilots.. They were laughing their a** off when I taxied back to the ramp and called me "Captain Skid Bounce" or something like that. Its really frustrating, specially that my goal is one day earn ATP. I'm not being a cry baby here, just extremely disappointed.
Thanks for reading this!