2011-02-20 18:57:59 UTC
1. What is the FTD? As far as I know (but not really sure), it is the time when a pilot "enters" the operations room where he prepares the flight, until he made the flight(s), and until he shut down the engine(s) of his last scheduled flight (OR does the FTD end when he shut down the engine(s), made the paper-work, and "left" the airport?).
2. So I read that the max. FTD is 13 hours (with no double crew etc, just the normal crew).. Does that mean, that if you'd fly the route Paris-San Francisco (which has a scheduled flying time of maybe 12 hours), only the normal crew is required for that flight, or would you need at least one releave pilot for either the pilot or co-pilot (since your duty-time would begin at least one hour before departure, your FTD then would be more than 13 hours...)
Thanks very much guys