If you are worrying about schedules, you are going to have a long hard time in the airline industry. They are going to use you like a rented mule, and squeeze every minute out of your duty time possible, that way they keep the number of pilots to a minimum. See, each month the corporate bean counters are just eaten alive, when they see that they needed X amount of pilots to fly the trips, but they have 30% more pilots sitting around doing nothing... nothing equals.. sitting on Reserve, training, or heaven forbid.. days off.
Working the bidding system becomes an artform for some pilots, they spend hours and hours pouring over the lines, trying to find overlaps, or days off that line up from last month to next month, and believe me.. there is a LOT of money to be made doing that... if that is what you are after. Learning to "work the system" so that you are in the right place at the right time means the company will have to pay you extra to complete a trip because of duty time conflicts, or training schedules etc.
If you are a new hire, bottom of the list for a major at a large hub... say AA at DFW... you might be looking at 250-300 schedules... that is why they have the computer software so you can punch in what you want, and it will show you what comes closest. You will be making decisions based on money vs. quality of life. Would you rather have the time off??? or make the money?
SouthWest has a unique approach, the more you fly, the more you make. If you want the time off... don't fly... but you don't get paid. See.. the first rule for these schedule beaters is they spend the first half of their life trying to get the job, and then they spend the 2nd half of their life trying to not DO their job.
Say you have been online a couple of years, you are at a base that has 60 pilots on your seat and a/c. You are # 35 on the list. You would bid the 35 lines (in order of preference) that you want... if NO one above you wanted your first choice... you would get it... but.. imagine if you were standing in a sporting goods store and they were giving away 60 items, and you got to pick at #35... the really good stuff would be pretty well gone by the time it got to you... and the poor guy down at #60... doesn't even get a choice.. he gets the LAST item, regardless of what it is. Still if you liked canoe paddles, and no one above you wanted one... you could get what you wanted... but that was because you liked something that no one else did. Same thing.
This is why seniority is so critical, and it affects your vacation, training, and upgrade as well... and can even affect if you get the jumpseat to go home... This is why you see guys NOT take the upgrade to Captain, because they would rather be a f/o with a GREAT schedule, than a Captain with a lousy one. Because of this, some airlines will only allow you to "pass" your upgrade for a small period of time, then they force you to take it. Most carriers would have guys that were WAY senior, sitting in the f/o seat, because they had the # 1 schedule EVERY month... and it really po's the junior guys... BUT... he didn't take the Captain upgrade.