2011-04-20 18:11:00 UTC
"The minimum flight visibility required for VFR flights above 10,000 feet MSL and more than 1,200 feet AGL in controlled airspace is"
choices are like 1, 3, and 5 SM. Answer is 5.
The explanation wasn't really helpful. Here's what I figured: The AGL number doesn't matter in controlled airspace, it only comes into play in class G airspace. If you're above 10,000 MSL in a class E, then the minimum visibility is 5 SM. In a class B, C, or D, though, it doesn't matter what altitude MSL you're at, in class B it's 3 miles and clear of clouds, in class C and D it's 3 miles and 500 below, 1000 above, 2000 horizontal. Always 3 miles.
So I figure welp you can have a class B, C, or D airport that meets the > 10,000 MSL requirement, and be more than 1200 feet above the ground but in its airspace, so since 3 is less than 5, the minimum visibility is 3!