2013-12-15 10:48:36 UTC
What questions should I ask when I visit flight schools? What should I look for when I'm there as far as signs of well maintained aircraft, good instructors, etc.
How much does it USUALLY wind up costing? How much did it cost for you? I know it can cost anywhere between 5K and 10K.. and that's a pretty big range right there. Are there any ways to reduce the price? Do aero clubs have good deals? I want the best education though, I don't want the 'become a pilot in a month' kind of school lol. Are there any jobs that I can do at the airport in exchange for free or reduced price lessons?
Do you have to do solo night flights?
Is it correct that you need 10 hours of solo flight?
At what point do you do your solo flight?
I've watched a lot of videos of people taking flight lessons. Some things seem pretty complicated. Of course I'm up for the challenge, I'm just wondering if it will all make a lot more sense when I'm actually doing it?
The radio communications... to an outsider it barely makes any sense... again, once I get there it will make more sense and it will be easy to do right?
I know that spin recovery training is only required when becoming a certified instructor.. but it must be useful to learn right? How dangerous is spin training and is it worth requesting it?
How long does it usually take to obtain your private pilot's license? Are once a week lessons good enough? I don't know if I could afford more than that, I'm paying for it myself.
Would it be recommended to have all the money before I start or just pay as I go???
I'm a girl.. will people still respect me and take me seriously or is there a lot of sexism involved with this sort of thing?
How many cross country flights are you required to do? How many of them are solo? I live relatively close to Logan airport in Boston.. though this is not where I would be taking lessons (I don't even know if they have a flight school there?) I'm probably looking at the East Coast Aero Club.. But for my cross country flights.. would Logan Airport ever be one of the stops or would I just be going to private airports? IF an international airport were one of the stops.. how does one deal with THAT much traffic? You can screw up in a car with few repercussions.. but everything with air travel is so perfectly timed..
I'm fascinated with aviation.. though I don't know if I want to go into it as a career (I may want to be an aerospace engineer... or an artist.. I know.. vastly different).. but this is an expensive hobby. Is there any way I could make money off of it somehow? Also.. when I think of an aviation career.. I think airline pilot.. though.. I know there are many other types of aviation jobs. Could someone possibly highlight those for me? Ones that hopefully pay well lol. I'd be interested in being a private jet pilot.. possibly... I don't really know about a freighter pilot though. For the record.. I am VERY interested in NASA and similar start up companies like SpaceX.. that's why I say aerospace engineering.. but are there any aviation jobs that those sorts of places have??
I would really appreciate any answers at all about this! Thank you!