Im going to give you a step by step.
You can do one of two things. One is enroll into American Flyers. They are located in FL, OH and other places. While there, you will fly 8 hours a day and go through your ratings within months. Example: Provate cert. you need 40 hours. 8 Hours a day, do the math. Also, there are no checkrides. All the instructors are FAA certified.
The second one is a part 141 school. Go to any local airport and ask if they are part 61 or 141. You can do either but 141 will give you better instruction and the Majors will like you better. This option will allow you to pay as you go. Once you log an hour of flight time, it will never go away. In order to get to the majors you will need a few things.
private certificate- (the hardest)
instrument rating - Allows for IFR Flights
multi engine rating- (do I need to explain?)
complex rating- (retractable landing gear and electric flaps)
high performance rating- ( over 200HP usually done with multi engine)
high altitude- (above 12,000 MSL)
commercial rating- (so you can fly for hire)
you will need a minimum of 1,500 hours to qualify for the majors.
Once you are in, you will need a type rating for whatever you are going to fly. Any thing else just ask.