2018-07-31 22:59:59 UTC
1. This is not in the audible range of the Human Ear, meaning it will require special equipment to even detect it even if a vessel or diver is directly over it. This can prevent many additional resources from assisting in finding the Data Recorders, simply because they may not be able to detect it.
2. The higher a frequency, the higher the transmission loss of range (mostly by attenuation, or transfer into heat). This means VERY short detection ranges so short in deep water the transmission may not be detectable unless directly over top the beacon, and in poor acoustic conditions, not even then.
3. The higher the frequency, the more the sound will be refracted, and in many environments in the ocean, this refraction is towards the Deep Sound Channel axis(which is very deep), or towards the bottom, not many environments have acoustic conditions that refract sound upwards.
4. The source level is only about 160 dB//1 micropascal, this is the equivalent of 99 dB in the air, this is not very loud, especially for a source that has to fight through 1-3 above.
5. Modern Submarine distress beacons are low Frequency, audible to the human ear, are battery operated, very compact overall [compact enough to fit into a medium lunch bag if broken down and have long life spans (hundreds of hours).