As the air flows over the upper surface of an airfoil, its speed or velocity increases and its pressure decreases. An area of low pressure is thus formed. There is an area of greater pressure on the lower surface of the airfoil, and this greater pressure tends to move the wing upward. This difference in pressure between the upper and lower surfaces of the wing is called lift. Three-fourths of the total lift of an airfoil is the result of the decrease in pressure over the upper surface. The impact of air on the under surface of an airfoil produces the other one-fourth of the total lift.
An aircraft in flight is acted upon by four forces:
(1) Gravity, or weight, the force that pulls the aircraft toward the earth.
(2) Lift, the force that pushes the aircraft upward.
(3) Thrust, the force that moves the aircraft forward.
(4) Drag, the force that exerts a braking action.
Newton's Laws of Motion
The fundamental laws governing the action of air about a wing are Newton's laws of motion. Newton's first law is normally referred to as the law of inertia. It simply means that a body at rest will not move unless force is applied to it. if it is moving at uniform speed in a straight line, force must be applied to increase or decrease that speed.
Since air has mass, it is a "body" in the meaning of the law. When an aircraft is on the ground with its engines stopped, inertia keeps the aircraft at rest. An aircraft is moved from its state of rest by the thrust force created by the propeller, by the expanding exhaust gases, or both. When it is flying at uniform speed in a straight line, inertia tends to keep the aircraft moving. Some external force is required to change the aircraft from its path of flight.
Newton's second law, that of force, also applies to objects. This law states that if a body moving with uniform speed is acted upon by an external force, the change of motion will be proportional to the amount of the force, and motion will take place in the direction in which the force acts. thìs law may be stated mathematically as follows:
Force = mass X acceleration (F = ma).
If an aircraft is flying against a headwind, it is slowed down. If the wind is coming from either side of the aircraft's heading, the aircraft is pushed off course unless the pilot takes corrective action against the wind direction.
Newton's third law is the law of action and reaction. This law states that for every action (force) there is an equal and opposite reaction (force). This law is well illustrated by the action of a swimmer's hands. He pushes the water aft and thereby propels himself forward, since the water resists the action of his hands. When the force of lift on an aircraft's wing equals the force of gravity, the aircraft maintains level flight.
The three laws of motion which have been discussed are closely related and apply to the theory of flight. In many cases, all three laws may be operating on an aircraft at the same time.
Which brings us to airfoils. An airfoil is a surface designed to obtain a desirable reaction from the air through which it moves. Thus, we can say that any part of the aircraft which converts air resistance into a force useful for flight is an airfoil. The blades of a propeller are so designed that when they rotate, their shape and position cause a higher pressure to be built up behind them than in front of them so that they wìll pull the aircraft forward. The profile of a conventional wing, is an excellent example of an airfoil. Notice that the top surface of the wing profile has greater curvature than the lower surface.
The difference in curvature of the upper and lower surfaces of the wing builds up the lift force. Air flowing over the top surface of the wing must reach the trailing edge of the wing in the same amount of time as the air flowing under the wing. To do this, the air passing over the top surface moves at a greater velocity than the air passing below the wing because of the greater distance it must travel along the top surface. This increased velocity, according to Bernoulli's principle, means a corresponding decrease in pressure on the surface. Thus, a pressure differential is created between the upper and lower surfaces of the wing, forcing the wing upward in the direction of the lower pressure.
The theoretical amount of lift of the airfoil at a velocity of 100 m.p.h. can be determined by sampling the pressure above and below the airfoil at the point of greatest air velocity., Tis pressure is 14.54 p.s.i. above the airfoil. Subtracting this pressure from the pressure below the airfoil, 14.67, gives a difference in pressure of 0.13 p.s.i. Multiplying 0.13 by 144 (number of square inches in a square foot) shows that each square foot of this wing will lift 18.72 pounds. Thus, it can be seen that a small pressure differential across an airfoil section can produce a large lifting force. Within limits, lift can be increased by increasing the angle of attack, the wing area, the freestream velocity, or the density of the air, or by changing the shape of the airfoil.