Well, it's a bit complicated, but I'll try and sum it up the best I can.
By the way, I'm assuming you know where all the gadgets and fiddly things are and what to do to set up a proper ILS approach so I won't go into too much detail about them.
Firstly, find your ILS frequency and ILS frontcourse of the runway well BEFORE you begin your final approach. Set your NAV radios and set the ILS frontcourse into the "CRS" indicator (next to the HDG indicator).
Once you got all that going nicely, click the buttons near the bottom of the radio stack: NAV 1/2, MKR (if you want the beeping sounds when your cross the markers), DME (distance measuring equipment that calculates the distance between you and the VOR) and ADF (automatic direction finder, you can use it if you tune an NDB into your radio in the ADF window) if you got it; however, it's not really necessary.
Anyway, moving on. When the ILS frequency is identified, you'll hear a rhythmic beeping sound and the white line in the ND display will turn purple; this shows the frontcourse of the runway if you've set it correctly. This is where you switch the GPS switch to NAV; GPS only supports your flightplan or a GPS approach, NOT an ILS approach!
Once the ATC have vectored (put you on) you onto your final approach, press the APR (approach) button on the panel. Now the plane can follow the ILS down to the runway, but NOT land it.
The HDG indicator should switch off; this is normal, the APR mode is now taking control to turn the plane onto the runway's centreline with the localiser. After a while, the ALT (altitude) switch should also turn off as the APR mode takes control to follow the glideslope to the runway.
From here, just do all the necessary things like lower the landing gear (obviously), slow the plane to landing speed (obviously) and lower the flaps (obviously). Also, arm the speedbrakes and set the autobrakes.
Just some extra info...the A320 has a landing speed of about 140-160kts IAS (indicated airspeed) at full flaps or at one notch before full flaps.
Sorry, but I don't know too much about VORs. All I know is that they are essential for ILS landings and give the plane's computer/pilot important information on where they are and how far they are from it, etc.
Hope this helps! If you have any more questions, just email me!
P.S. Why is everyone giving me a thumbs down? This is how I do it in my FS9 and it works perfectly!