I wish I could give you more information, but all I have is the average cost per hour.
At a school I flew out of they figured the cost of a 152 was about $52 USD per hour. I believe fuel costs at the time were around $5.50 a gallon. They had a large fleet so they were able to come up with a pretty good average.
What I found to be really interesting was the cost of a 172 (160 hp P model) was around $60 an hour. Thats a lot more plane for 8 bucks an hour more. While fuel costs were higher, maintenance and insurance costs were lower.
Honestly, I wouldn't buy a 152. I would buy one of two planes. A 172 which I would lease to a flight school which might make you some money, or at the very least cut your cost of ownership way down. You could do the same with a 152 but they are less desirable training aircraft, so you are less likely to have your plane flown on a regular basis, which results in less money coming to you at the end of the month.
The other option is an experimental airplane. Sure, there are some poorly built ones out there but at the same time there are a lot of great ones. Many have been had great owners that really cared for them, because they made the airplane themselves. Most people that take on a project like that are very likely to be very capable of building quality airplanes.
The real beauty of experimentals is their costs. Because they didn't go through the costly FAA certification process (even living in Canada, that cost is passed along to you) and don't require parts that have been certified, you can cut the maintenance costs in half without skimping on anything. For the same money as a 152 you can get a much more airplane. Or get a comparable airplane performance wise for much less money.
I'm not saying anything bad about 152's. I love flying them, but I'd never own one.